Friday, January 29, 2010


Yes, i should be incredibly lonely because my roommate left to eat dinner with her boy, and my suitmates left to go to our friend, Katie's house; fortunately, i have been granted this time...for YOU, God! =D THANK YOU! you know i needed time with you, aand you made it happen. because you know me so well and love me so dearly, and you know i need one-on-one time with you. i'm sorry that i haven't read your word on my own lately. i'm sorry for doubting you and for not trusting you entirely with EVERYthing in my life. i'm sorry that i'm such an irresponsible and difficult person, but THANK YOU for creating me, my Lord. THANK YOU for giving me the ability and strength to overcome that irresponsibility and procrastination and nasty attitude. you are God and you are capable of absolutely ANYthing, and i know that with you, i can do absolutely anything...but i only want to do what YOU want me to do. i pray that i do NOTHiNG for myself. NOTHiNG for my own will, but YOUR Will instead! i love you so much, my Savior! woww, that word "Savior" it's such a simple word, yet it resonates with such great meaning! you SAVED me and give that option to everyone else here on earth. THANK YOU for sending Jesus to die for my SiNS. because my sins should be punishable by death, yet your GRACE transcends that punishment, and your love endures long after all else! we will NEVER know a love greater than yours. aand that's because you ARE love, and you give love. no matter what. THANK YOU, my KiNG! I LOVE YOU!