Tuesday, October 27, 2009

happy happy

my God is just so GOOOOOD!

_can't sign up for spring semester classes because i haven't paid yet.
_gettting rurl homesick =/
_trying to be productive...no procrastination [crap!]
_life keeps going in circles, but...

my God reigns! and i trust him entirely! all the listed things above are a few of the things that are "going wrong" but...i trust my Lord because He is sovereign, and i LOVE Him with my whole plump heart! =D

lovelovelove. <3

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Eddie Izzard

i DARE you to look up "Eddie Izzard" he is a comedian. i warn thee: he is definitely a HE..however, he dresses like a ..SHE! =)) grrreat sense of humor, though. lo0ove it.
my personal favorites include: Cake or Death. Heimlich Maneuver. Evil Giraffe. Super Market Psychology. Fruits.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Tonight I had the privilege of hearing a fabulous speaker relay a message to us about the third commandment. it's actually quite interesting. Matt Anderson covered it extremely well, i thought. =)) you may not think you're interested at the moment, but keep reading. i took notes, and i promise you, it's more than good stuff; it's GGRRRREAT!

Have you ever actually thought about God's name? Like, how some folks just throw it out there, just to fill up space in the air? Some might sayy, "What in God's name is going on here?" or "I swear to God..." or even just a little "Oh my God." NO OTHER god figure is used as a swear, or ...for anything really. Think about it, think about how much power is in God's name. You don't hear anyone walking around, and if they stub their toe, they don't shout out "OH MY BUDHA!" No, they say "God"-the most powerful name in the universe.
"God is creator of the universe and savior of the world! His name needs to be treated as such...with utmost respect!" Duude, AMEN! God has given us so much more than we could ask for, yet we take all He has given us and we take His holy name for granted. When we say God's name in vain, it's not just filling up the air "...something serious happens when we invoke the Lord's name." I can just see it- God's watching you (closer than you think, i might add) and He's just loving on you, and blessing you with things in your life, yet you continue to reject Him...He hurts when you call His name in vain or when you refuse to believe He LOVES YOUU!

God's name is a GIFT! God is a CREATOR, satan is a COUNTERFEITER. Satan cannot create anything, he merely perverts what God has already created. The saddest part about that is we fall for satan's traps too easily, but with God and using His name in a Biblical manner...we can defeat satan because God has already defeated him! HOO-RAHH! GO GOD <33 =D

Don't get so far caught up in your own religion, or the church functions/activities...o0r even life that you lose Jesus! find Him, and hold on to Him. i can assure you He will NEVER let youu go, but if you choose to walk away from Him, you're choosing to not live forever, but instead have a dead end life.

don't go another day without giving God an opening into your heart. Give Him ONE chance. just ONE. I promise promise PROMISE, He will NOT EVER never ever NEVERRRR let you down! <3 guarunteed, bob.

one last thought: "THERE ARE NO PERFECT PEOPLE...ONLY OBEDIENT PEOPLE!" ...am i obeying God? i'm sure as heckk going to from now on.

o0 goodness i'm tired. sorry, i could've typed this muchh better, but...i'm so tired. i hope you get the gist. =))
niighty night. have sweet and wonderful dreams, lovelies! =D laughoutloud.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Sunday school is usually interesting, and invigorating, but today i heard one of the best quotes/statements to live by: "It may be permissible, but is it beneficial?" think about it; the question being asked is not 'do you think it's RIGHT or WRONG'_black or white. it's simply stating that something may be "alright" (a gray area of right and wrong), but is it beneficial? is it going to strengthen your relationship with Christ? are you going to gain something positive from this? [the "something or "it" we were referring to was..well, ANYthing, really._tattoos, drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes/cigars/weed/etc., listening to secular ["nonchristian" music], et cetera. the "something" could be anything really that's not necessarily classified as just RIGHT or just WRONG...a gray area. =)) i LOVE this question for so many reasons, but mostly because it's given me a new look at life, honestly.
lately, i've been feeling like i've been wandering away from God, but that's because i've been so0 selfish lately! aghh. i cannot BELIEVE how silly and selfish and arrogant and downright sloppy and lazy i have been lately! =/ our God is so0 good, though...he forgives us. He has given us a gift of grace, and i don't want to take that for granted. We have a merciful, and mighty, and loving, and forgiving...and even jealous God. i've been straying from him because i have been putting other things/activities/people before him, and basically slapping Him in the face, saying "well, i'll get to you later. i never get a chance to do this.." OUCH! God, i would like to apologize for being such a selfish and quick- to -act human. help me to remember to be SLOW TO SPEAK, QUICK TO LISTEN...♥

My God, you are everything to me! i'm so0 blessed. i forget that some days. like today. =/ while i was doing all my grumbling and complaining and negative comments, i was letting Satan have control. i was letting him win. but God, YOU have defeated the enemy, he has no place in my heart. no place in our home. God, i give YOU control. i give you all of my desires [the perfect college, the perfect image, the perfect relationship with you, the perfect guy..] God i give it all to you. please give me YOUR desires, instead. open my eyes, if only for a second, so that i might see the ENTIRE WORLD through your eyes...the way you see the world. show me what to do. i want to serve you in absolutely everyyythtiiinnng that i doO! God, you are so worthy of our praises, and i'm sorry that i haven't been thanking you for all that you have given me lately. aand you CONTINUE to give to me. THANK YOU!

_my dadio who works so hard! and hardly EVERR complains or grumbles about anythiing. even when he's being pulled in alll directions at once! (i notice lately that my mom will yell at him for something, and he'll just say "okay honey.." and he'll start to fix whatever it is she yelled at him for. thenn someone else in our family will holler for him for something else....on and on... and the whole while he just keeps his calm and tries to meet everyone's needs. idk about you, but in my opinion, my dad is DEFINITELY my hero! he's obviously a grrreat leader of our household. =))
_my mama who does so0 much to keep the house clean and tidy because she knows that we find things easier if we put them away. aand even after a long day at work, she still has loads of work to do at home, and she does it! unfortunately, my father yells at her for sitting down at home-even right after work sometimes- because she "could be doing something" even if she just finished doing 3 hrs of work..after work at the office. she does SO much for us! [both of my parents doO] =))
_my sister whom i love, but am just too selfish to show it sometimes. hehh.
_my brothers who i argue with constantly. mostly dylon, because he and i are so0 muchh alike-it's scary. tehh. =)) and drew, please pray for him. i'm worried about him. lately, he's been doing things that disappoint me/ shockk me, really. =/
but i love them both. =))
_my rabbit; he's my babbyy and i'm so0 HAPPY he's lived this long! i don't deserve a bunny this awesome to live this long. especially since i haven't taken very good care of him in the past.
_my BOY; Caleb Delauter. =)) aghh, idk where to BEGIN! he's just..i'm SO BLESSED to have a grreat Christian guy in my life who will listen to my stupid stories that make sense to no one but me. a guy who is humble enough to admit his mistakes and do his BEST to fix them, and if he trips up, then he gets on himself all over again and tries and tries...and triiiess! Caleb is incredibly respectful, and HILARIOUS, and sensitive [but not too sensitive], i have faith that he could definitely protect me from anyy physical harm. he has the most interesting opinions on..almost ANYthing. he's suchh a GENTLEMAN, and there's no one i've ever met like him. _don't get me wrong, Caleb is quite wonderful, but i do know that i'm not IN LOVE. at least not yet. we both agreed that we would not say "i love you" ..until/IF we actually mean it. sincerely. as in knowing that God has put us both on this earth to get married. idk, though. not right now anywayy. we're both too young. hehh. i really dig him, though. =)) i'm so BLESSED!
_my talents [whatever they may be]

God, i trust you entirely with College. wherever you want me, i'll go. lead me. guide me. show me the way. close the doors you don't want open, so that i can walk through the ones that you have opened, and hopefully...very soon there will be open doors, and i'll walk through the RIGHT ONE> =))


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

holy wet noodles.

HAAHAAAHA! mm my dadio was just talking to me, aand as he walked awayy he started to topple over, aand almost FELL. taahaa. that was silly. ...i guess it's one of those you-had-to-have-been-there kind of things.

mm welp, i think i love my life. i also feel that i need to find myself because i have no idea why i act the way i do sometimes. i'm clueless with who i want to be, o0r what i want to do with my life. it's so0 difficult!

mm Caleb Delauter is my boyy, and i dig him. =)) laughoutloud, thaas not cheesy.

gahh, well i have to get ready for churchh tOniiiight._Ciao! =D

live your life wholly and Christ-like.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


"Oh, my people, trust in him at all times. Pour out your heart to him, for God is our refuge!" Psalm 62:8

i received that lovely and inspiring and encouraging message from my dear friend, AmandaBriggs. she's quite spectacular, aand a beautiful woman of God! =)) i admire her sincerely. =D

there's no time for [ "bf/gf" relationships with guys]_not the time.

i have my friends. i have my family. and most importantly i have GOD. that's all i need. ♥


yours truly,

Friday, January 16, 2009

another one of "those"

God is good! =D

I pray God's WILL be done today, tomorrow, the next day...forever. [♥]

p.s. to those of you who believe there is no God_"it takes more faith NOT to believe in something than it does to BELIEVE in something..." don't be afraid. there's absolutely NOTHING to fear or doubt because God loves you..more than you'll ever know. =D isn't that INCREDIBLE?

mm game tomorrow. Caleb's coming over. FCA to think about. God, please guide our words. give us words to speak. Open everyone's hearts and minds. Speak to each individual personally. 

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


♥God_you have given me so much. you will always love me no matter what. you are more than enough for me. you have forgiven me. you sent your ONLY son, whom you love so much, to die for my sins, and everyone else's sins..because you LOVE us. you chose to love us. =D how could i ever be in a bad or downcast mood as long as you are my God, and you are good. all the time, you are good. I LOVE YOU! [eternally yours] ♥

Amanda [my wiifey-lol]_

Alexa [best friend]_

Danielle[BEST FRIENDS FOR ALWAYS AND EVER-i'll stay true to that, sistahh*lol]_

Caleb[BEST guy friend; you have no idea how awesome you are]_

Roshan[BFFIAB-for suure, dude. you are incredibly amazing in every way. i can't tell you how grateful i am to have met you]_

i'm so0 unbelievably grateful to have met..and become such close friends with alll of yous! =D

this is an incredibly cheeseeyy, and boring post. laughoutloud =)) mm i shall depart now.

Ciao! =))