Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Tonight I had the privilege of hearing a fabulous speaker relay a message to us about the third commandment. it's actually quite interesting. Matt Anderson covered it extremely well, i thought. =)) you may not think you're interested at the moment, but keep reading. i took notes, and i promise you, it's more than good stuff; it's GGRRRREAT!

Have you ever actually thought about God's name? Like, how some folks just throw it out there, just to fill up space in the air? Some might sayy, "What in God's name is going on here?" or "I swear to God..." or even just a little "Oh my God." NO OTHER god figure is used as a swear, or ...for anything really. Think about it, think about how much power is in God's name. You don't hear anyone walking around, and if they stub their toe, they don't shout out "OH MY BUDHA!" No, they say "God"-the most powerful name in the universe.
"God is creator of the universe and savior of the world! His name needs to be treated as such...with utmost respect!" Duude, AMEN! God has given us so much more than we could ask for, yet we take all He has given us and we take His holy name for granted. When we say God's name in vain, it's not just filling up the air "...something serious happens when we invoke the Lord's name." I can just see it- God's watching you (closer than you think, i might add) and He's just loving on you, and blessing you with things in your life, yet you continue to reject Him...He hurts when you call His name in vain or when you refuse to believe He LOVES YOUU!

God's name is a GIFT! God is a CREATOR, satan is a COUNTERFEITER. Satan cannot create anything, he merely perverts what God has already created. The saddest part about that is we fall for satan's traps too easily, but with God and using His name in a Biblical manner...we can defeat satan because God has already defeated him! HOO-RAHH! GO GOD <33 =D

Don't get so far caught up in your own religion, or the church functions/activities...o0r even life that you lose Jesus! find Him, and hold on to Him. i can assure you He will NEVER let youu go, but if you choose to walk away from Him, you're choosing to not live forever, but instead have a dead end life.

don't go another day without giving God an opening into your heart. Give Him ONE chance. just ONE. I promise promise PROMISE, He will NOT EVER never ever NEVERRRR let you down! <3 guarunteed, bob.

one last thought: "THERE ARE NO PERFECT PEOPLE...ONLY OBEDIENT PEOPLE!" i obeying God? i'm sure as heckk going to from now on.

o0 goodness i'm tired. sorry, i could've typed this muchh better, but...i'm so tired. i hope you get the gist. =))
niighty night. have sweet and wonderful dreams, lovelies! =D laughoutloud.

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